Saturday, August 7, 2010

Monkey Mountain sucks dick.

Monica and I just got back from a very long walk up to monkey mountain. We finally got there after a few beers and much sweat. We were not welcomed by a group of cute monkeys, rather chased by little assholes who were screaming at us and simultaneously scaring the shit out of us.
I don't think I will return to visit those little shits ever again.

Didn't get any good pictures cause the monkeys hated me...

Had a nicer time walking to the actual monkey mountain itself.

Some water filtration building...


Kowloon Reservoir

some old bus stop that had been surrounded with overgrown grass/weeds.

Yuk. Crappy Monkey Mountain!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! well im glad i didnt go on that hike
