Corey Tam Band played the Wanch the other night, nothing new but its been some time since I've been to a show. Gotta say Zane has massively improved on the bass. He also told me that
Poubelle International has asked him to play bass for them which is pretty rad! It's just a kind of rumor at the moment but those guys might be gig-ing around more soon.
New video from them - check it!
Anyways had a stamp card worth of drinks (possibly more) and discovered it was a bad choice for a Tuesday night! But all is not lost, Saw this girl Yan AKA Tyger Feb play again. Used to be in that once known band Hard Candy..... She is really good, great style and has super cute lyrics (mainly due to her chinglish) such as 'give me back my simpsons dvd collection, series one through ten'. ~ Pure awesome!
Monday night the star crossed boys and their wives swung by the house for some wii and cake action (it was Ross' birthday). That was a fun ol fashioned time!
Now I feel I may be getting sick, which super blows!